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5 minutes with… Laura Parry of Parry Creative

Updated: Nov 8, 2022

In our new '5 Minutes With..." feature we will be talking to lots of our interesting partners, suppliers, customers and team members and finding out a bit more about them and their stories.

We are delighted to welcome Laura Parry of Parry Creative as our first guest (it seems only right considering Laura created the logo for this feature!) Laura, over to you!

Tell us a bit about your company, who you are and what you do?

Hello there! I’m Laura Parry and my business is Parry Creative. I’m a freelance brand manager and designer. I’ve been in the creative industries now for around 15 years and I help all kinds of companies with all kinds of goals to help their branding and creatives shine and deliver results. Being a freelance brand manager means that I can provide much more than design work for the businesses I work with. I become part of the on-going conversations and development within the company, getting to know the inner workings of the sales journey, the services, the products and the customers. This knowledge then allows me to add more strategic value through the creatives, as a designer, a brand guardian and a creative director, pulling in other tactical marketing assets such as photography and content to deliver the bigger picture.

Laura helped refresh our logo in January 2021

What is your role in the company?

I’m an independent business owner and so really…everything! From making myself a cup of coffee to delivering results for my clients daily :)

What is your proudest moment in business?

Wow, what a question! This may sound a little cringey, however I’m really proud that I’m here today doing what I’m doing for myself. I’ve been working and producing designs for a long time, but there is nothing quite like having your own business that your name is literally attached too! Each day is a little bit scary, but I look forward to that challenge more now than ever.

How has your company found lockdown?

Parry Creative was born in July 2020, through the first lockdown. For me, once over the initial stress of the situation, I tried to use the lockdown time to seize an opportunity I could see forming in my mind!

Laura even created this logo for this feature!

What are your future plans for the business?

I absolutely LOVE what I do, so I would like to continuing putting pen to paper, designing and adding value for my clients. I’m working on a brand strategy workshop that adds an extra level of creative thinking to my branding packages.

What started your partnership with Colleague box?

I met Natalie through the Derbys Finest network. I cannot believe how much this group has done for me and my business to be honest. It’s a real family of connections, with real support and a (highly) active What’s App group!

It’s been absolutely brilliant working with Colleague Box to refresh the brand. Such a wonderful story of success and hard-work, paired with just a lovely, down to earth attitude. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for the brand and the team because you just know it’s going to be fabulous! :)

Ah thank you Laura! What a pleasure it's been to hear your story and congratulations on being named one of Marketing Derby's Rising Stars this year!

You can see more of what Parry Creative can do here:

Next time on 5 Minutes With... meet our CEO Adam Bamford, aka our resident craft ale expert!

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